Reporting bugs

Reporting bugs is important and something I will be grateful for. Bugs are quite common, especially in tools like this that support various versions of Maya and different operating systems; there are too many things that could go wrong :0)

TKM has a specific tool for reporting bugs, which is accessible from Settings > Report a Bug menu. This is the most convenient and simplest way to send bugs.

When using this tool, 3 important pieces of information are sent: The installed version of TKM, the version of Maya, and your operating system.

When reporting bugs, ideally, you should describe the steps to reproduce the error. If the error occurs randomly or is unknown, it should be indicated if it occurs under any special circumstances. In all cases, any errors that the Maya Script Editor displays should be added.

If you prefer to send an email, plese email to:

I will greatly appreciate the reporting of any bug, it will help me to make a more stable and easy-to-use tool.

Last updated